Dealing With Change
The role of a strong leader is more than just influencing, it’s also supporting. Every team member wants to feel heard, acknowledged and comfortable when there are times of uncertainty or change.
Over the last few years, the workplace industry has seen more change than expected. From working remotely to learning how to communicate face to face again, employees need to feel supported now more than ever. Leadership training is a great way to understand what employees are experiencing and how to help guide and support them to success.

Leading Innovation
Innovation is at the forefront of the business industry. cmi has been watching almost every industry be disrupted by technology, innovation and supply change issues. This means that when an opportunity presents itself, innovation will be utilized. So how do you keep up? Change is around every corner it seems. Our leadership development speakers are experts in the field of innovation and how to embrace it in both your personal and professional life.

Hybrid Working Lifestyle
The last few years have reinvented the working lifestyle. More times than not, we hear that people are working remotely and even though in-person connections are important, the hybrid working lifestyle is here to stay. So how do you balance a team that wants a bit of both? A clear stream of communication regarding expectations needs to be put into play, from leaders and employees, prior to having a healthy hybrid working lifestyle. With the understanding that this change is here to stay, now is the time to set your business up for success going forward.

Emotional Intelligence/Soft Skills
Influence occurs when you connect and inspire someone. This means that leaders now need to acquire a new perspective to fully understand what is required for influence. Emotional intelligence and soft skills are a large part of what is expected from today’s leaders. The positive energy at work, empathy, acknowledgment and highlighting of individual strengths has been some of the most successful skills learned. Of course, every individual will be tailored differently and our team of leadership development speakers is here to educate you on how.

Communication has undergone a transformation in the past few years. Whether meetings are online or in person, the fundamentals of effective communication still apply. Successful leaders communicate how their team’s efforts contribute to meeting the company’s goals. In turn, leaders must listen to and understand individual employees’ needs. Our specialized keynote speakers can introduce strategies to improve your communication, your employees’ satisfaction and your company’s bottom line.